
Integrated Accessibility Standards — Information & Communications, & Employment Policy

FRAM+Slokker believes in integration and equal opportunity and is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We’re committed to making every reasonable effort to meet the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, provided the accommodations don’t cause the Company Undue Hardship. This means identifying, removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility standards in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

These standards were developed to identify, remove, and prevent barriers and increase accessibility for persons with disabilities in the areas of information and communications, and employment as outlined in the Regulation 191/11, Integrated Accessibility Standards (“Regulation”) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.



The Company will create, implement, and maintain a plan outlining how we’ll identify, remove and prevent barriers, and increase accessibility for people with disabilities. This plan will be posted on our website and will be reviewed every 5 years.

When requested to do so, the Company will make the plan available in a format that’s accessible to people with disabilities.



The Company will provide you with general training on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the Regulation and in the Human Rights Code, as it pertains to persons with disabilities.

Additional training specific to the responsibilities of individual employees, particularly those who develop policies, and those who provide, goods and services to others, will be provided.

Records relating to training dates and attendees will be kept as training is provided.



This section defines the applicable processes the Company must follow to create, provide, and receive information and communications in ways that are accessible to people with disabilities.


The Company website and content will conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, at Level AA, except where this requirement is impracticable. We recognize that our website and content does not fully conform, but we are working towards full compliance.



Upon request, the Company will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities. The accommodation will take into account the individual’s accessibility needs due to disability and the person will be consulted to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

The Company website will include notification of availability of accessible formats and communication supports.



This section applies to paid employees.

The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (ISAR) Employment Standard requires us to have processes in place to determine an employee’s accommodation needs. It addresses key processes in the life cycle of a job including recruitment through return to work.



The Company will create and make available individualized workplace emergency response information

to employees who have a disability if:

  1. The disability makes the individualized information necessary.
  2. The Company is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability.

This individualized information will be provided as soon as feasible after the Company becomes aware of the need for accommodation. With the employee’s consent, the information will be made available to the Staff Member assigned to provide assistance to the employee in the event of an emergency.



The Company will notify Staff and the public about the availability of accommodation for job applicants with disabilities in its recruitment process, including its job.

Selection Process
The Company will notify job applicants that accommodations are available, upon request, in relation to the materials or processes to be used when they’re selected to participate in an assessment or selection process.

If a selected job applicants requests an accommodation due to disability, the Company will consult with them and provide, or arrange for an appropriate accommodation that takes into account their accessibility needs.

Successful Job Applicants
The Company will notify the successful job applicants of its processes for accommodating employees with disabilities when making offers of employment.



Staff and new hires will be made aware of processes used to support employees with disabilities.



When requested by an employee with a disability, the Company will consult with the employee to provide, or arrange for the provision of, accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed to perform their job, and information that is generally available to other employees.

The Company will consult with the employee making the request to determine the appropriateness of an accessible format or communication support.



The Company will create a written process for the development of a documented individual accommodation plan for an employee with disabilities.

If requested, information regarding accessible formats and communications support provided will also be included in the individual accommodation plans.

The plans will also include individualized Workplace emergency response information (where required) and will identify any other accommodation to be provided.



The Company will create a documented return to work process for individuals who have been away from work due to a disability and who require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work.

The return-to-work process will outline the steps the Company will take to facilitate the employee’s return to work and use documented individual accommodation plans.



Managers will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when using performance management tools, providing career development and advancement, or when redeploying employees.

Accessible Customer Service Standards Policy

This Policy covers the accessibility standard for customer service.

The Company is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities.

We also support the goal of the Ontario government to make Ontario barrier-free by 2025 and its implementation of accessibility standards for persons with disabilities, as detailed in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

The accessibility standard is a set of guidelines that the Company and Staff must follow to identify, remove, and prevent barriers for customers with disabilities.



To support this Policy’s guiding principles and requirements, the Company has developed procedures and guidelines in the following areas:

  1. Provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities
  2. Communication with persons with disabilities
  3. Assistive devices
  4. Support persons and service animals
  5. Disruptions in services
  6. Training
  7. Customer Feedback
  8.  Location and Notice of Availability of Documents and Document Formats
  9. Modifications to this Policy or other policies



The Company will make every reasonable effort to accommodate persons with disabilities following this Policy’s guiding principles.



The Company will consider a person’s disability when communicating with them, with the end goal being to communicate in an effective way.  Where possible and helpful, Staff will ask persons with disabilities directly how best to communicate with them.

The following are examples of additional optional measures that may be implemented by the Company as alternate formats of communication:

  1. Large print for those who have limited vision
  2. Audio format such as cassettes or digital audio format
  3. Braille that may be used by those who are blind or deaf-blind
  4. Videos that may be helpful to those with certain learning disabilities
  5. Easy-to-read, simplified summaries of materials for those with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  6. Alternate services or channels of communication, such as offering phone service rather than in-person service, or providing email rather than postal notices



The Company will ensure that we’re prepared to serve customers with various assistive devices that may be used by persons with disabilities while accessing our goods and/or services, provided the accommodation does not present a safety hazard, in which case Staff will make every reasonable attempt to accommodate all individuals.

The Company allows and welcomes all forms of assistive devices on our premises. This may include for example, the use of walkers or oxygen tanks.



The Company allows and welcomes customers with disabilities and their service animals, provided the accommodation does not present a safety hazard or is otherwise excluded by law, in which case Staff will make every reasonable attempt to accommodate all individuals.

Service animals and support persons are permitted to together enter our premises that are open and accessible to third parties or the public, and in all situations where a disabled customer requires the service animal and support person to access the Company goods and services.

If it’s not readily apparent that the animal is a service animal, the Company may ask the customer with disabilities for a letter from a professional health practitioner confirming that they require the animal for reasons relating to the disability.

It’s the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their service animal is in control at all times.



The Company allows and welcomes people with disabilities and their support persons.

Support persons are permitted to enter our premises that are open and accessible to third parties or the public, and in all situations where a disabled customer requires the support person to access the Company goods and services.

The Company may require a customer with a disability to be accompanied by a Support Person where it’s necessary to protect the health and safety of everyone on the premises.

Before making a decision to require a support person, Staff will:

  1. Consult with the person with a disability to understand their needs.
  2. Consider health or safety reasons based on the available evidence.
  3. Determine if there’s any other reasonable way to protect the health or safety of the person or others on the premises.

A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises.



If the Company encounters any disruption to our facilities and services that are in place for persons with disabilities or if our premises can’t be opened to the public for some reason, the Company will ensure the following:

  1. We provide notice of the disruption to the public.
  2. The notice of disruption will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, if any, that are available.
  3. As soon as we’re aware of an interruption, a notice will be posted in a conspicuous place on our premises.



The Company will ensure that everyone receives training about the provision of our goods or services to persons with disabilities, including the following Staff:

  1. Every person who deals with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of the Company, whether the person does so as an employee, agent, volunteer, or otherwise.
  2. Every person who participates in developing the Company’s policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to members of the public or other third parties.
  3. The training will include a review of the purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the requirements of this regulation and instruction about the following matters:
    • How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability
    • How to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device, or require the assistance of a service animal or the assistance of a support person
    • How to use equipment or devices that may be available on our premises, and that may help with the provision of goods or services to a person with a disability
    • What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing our goods or services

The training will be provided to each person as soon as practicable after they’re assigned the relevant duties. Training will also be provided on an on-going basis in connection with changes to the policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities.

The Company will keep records of the training provided under this section, including the dates on which the training is provided and the number of individuals to whom it’s provided.



Customers who wish to provide feedback regarding the way the Company provides goods and/or services to customers with disabilities can do so either in person, via email, phone, or mail.

The feedback process will be provided or arranged in such a way to accommodate accessible formats and communication supports, upon request.

A customer may request for Staff to complete and submit the feedback form on their behalf.

All feedback will be directed to VP of Customer Care & HR.

Customers can expect to hear back from the Company in a timely manner, and if the complaint cannot be responded to or resolved in a timely manner the customer will be provded with a timeline.



The Company ensures that persons to whom we provide goods or services are aware that our Policy and plan documents required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (OADA) are available upon request.

The notice will be provided by posting the information in a conspicuous place on the bulletin boards at our head office and in our site trailers.

We will also post our policy and plan on our company website under the accessibility section.

If a customer with a disability requests our plan, staff will provide the information in a format that takes into account the person’s disability. Staff will work with customers to find a format that’s accessible for them and will be provided in a format agreed to by all parties. For example, Staff may direct our customer to our accessible website or read the content of the document to them aloud.

FRAM + Slokker Multi Year Accessibility Plan

FRAM+Slokker believes in integration and equal opportunity and is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.

FRAM + Slokker is committed to meeting the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

This multi-year accessibility plan addresses how we are already meeting our obligations under the AODA and what steps we are taking to ensure that we will meet any areas where we are currently not fully meeting our obligations.

We will review and update this plan every 5 years



FRAM + Slokker is committed to providing exceptional customer service that is accessible to all. We have created an accessibility policy on the Customer Service Standards. Additionally, we have also provided training to employees on the Customer Service Standards, to ensure that everyone in the company that comes into contact with customers is in compliance with the legislation.

We will also continue to allow feedback from customers in ways that are accessible to them.

As new employees are hired, we will ensure that they are trained on the Customer Service Standard in a timely manner.

We will implement a process to notify the public about availability of accessible formats for customers provide feedback.



FRAM+Slokker is committed to providing information and communication that is accessible to all. When needed we will provide information and communication in an accessible format.

We are working to ensure that all of our websites meet the WCAG 2.0 requirements as soon as possible.



FRAM + Slokker is committed to providing a work environment that is accessible and fair to all of our employees. We inform all candidates during the application process that accommodations are available upon request by including this in all of our job postings. We have also created an accommodation request form for employees to use.

Moving forward we will also make successful candidates aware of our accommodation process when offering them employment.

When any changes are made to either our Integrated Accessibility Standards —

Information & Communications, & Employment Policy or our Accessible Customer Service Standards Policy we will let our employees know by posting it on our HRIS and on the bulletin boards in our site offices.



FRAM + Slokker has provided training to employees on the AODA, how the AODA & OHRC work together and the Customer Service Standard. We also provided training to employees on other AODA Standards depending on their job-specific duties.

We are committed to ensuring that all new employees are provided with training on the AODA and the OHRC in a timely manner.



When building or make major changes to public spaces FRAM + Slokker will meet accessibility laws. FRAM + Slokker does not currently have any public spaces, however if this becomes applicable, we will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to accessible parts of our public spaces.



FRAM + Slokker does not currently have any self-service kiosk. However, if they are implemented, we are committed to incorporating accessibility features/ considering accessibility for people with disabilities when designing procuring or acquiring self-service kiosks.